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Be a Smart Parent

Smart Parenting Tips

Understanding our children's little hearts can sometimes be a bit difficult even for mom and dad. Some children express their feelings directly, some do not. But as a parent, it is very important that you understand your child's thoughts and emotions.

No parent is perfect, nevertheless let us look at some factors which might help you do better:

Parental relationship

The closeness of a child’s relationship with their parents can have wide-ranging impacts. Sadly, in this busy day and age parents find it very hard to maintain close relationships with their child. If a child is forced to be distant from their parents or a parent due to an unavoidable circumstance, they will still need another strong bond to substitute it.

The child may miss out on the closeness of a parental relationship due to various reasons e.g. if mum is working or dad is overseas. Even sending your child overseas for higher education could lead to a deterioration in family closeness.

Digital and Social Media

These day mum and dad are so engaged in social media. A father who used to come home asking “where is my little boy/girl” “did you eat” now comes home while talking on the phone.

It seems mum and dad are always busy. Be it talking on the phone, on social media, watching TV. We’ve forgotten the art of staying connected with each other.

No Smart Parenting

There is very little awareness of proper parenting in today's society. You might disagree. What we mean is this. Even though there are plenty of content/programs teaching how to educate a child, how to give them the right nutrients. Parents understanding of their child’s mental and emotional growth-needs remain low.

As a result, mothers and fathers often overlook their child's mental conflicts/distress, thinking “my child doesn’t have any mental issues”.

Understanding child emotions through their behaviour.

We interpret children’s behaviours in different ways. It is important to realise there must be a hidden reason when a child cries seemingly for no reason or refuses to eat; passes stools more often; cries asking for dad; cries unusually when parents are away. All these are indicators that something is bothering your child. As a mum and dad, you have to understand these.


If your child cries as soon as you leave them this indicates that your child is feeling deprived of proper love and protection.


Sometimes a child’s cry may indicate a digestive problem, or a headache, or the eruption of gums. All of these are not visible.

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