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Do you know These Facts about Your Growing Child?

Baby Growth Development Month by Month

Your little one has actually grown a lot. We are sure you have noticed! You feel a sense of pride and joy as you celebrate each little milestone. After all, children mean the world to a parent. It is not a surprise therefore, that parents make great sacrifices to see their children grow up healthy and strong.

So pay attention to the following:


Your little one’s teeth have sprouted from their gum. They are now capable of chewing and eating most food. That means you need to focus on keeping those teeth clean. When they were smaller, despite their cries and protests you still managed to get your way. But now they want to do it by themselves. However, they don’t do a good job. It’s up to you to make sure you help keep their teeth clean.


Handling your child’s stools is normal for you. You do not find it disgusting. That is the power of a parent’s love. Did you know the look and form of your child’s stool can indicate if they are sick? E.g. ‘loose stools’, ‘stool with little worms/insects’ are all indicators of illness in your child.

Also, this age is the right age to train your child to pass stool in the ‘potty’ or the toilet seat. Teach your little one good toilet habits such as washing their hands after going to the toilet. Importance of avoiding soiling their clothes and changing soiled clothes as soon as possible. Teach them the value of hygiene and the harmful effects of uncleanliness. Teach them also to dry their genital/buttock areas after going to the toilet since moisture can create an atmosphere for harmful bacteria to grow.


As your little once approaches age 5, they become much more independent when urinating. Still, you need to keep a watchful eye to ensure they don’t take shortcuts. Make sure they clean their genital’s after urinating. This is even more so important for little girls since the vagina is open to harmful germs. However little boys too need to maintain hygiene as they too are not immune. Urine infections can at the inception be mostly just irritating but can spread fast endangering even your little one’s kidneys and life.


Your preschoolers’ skin is still soft and delicate. This does not in any way give them better immunity against diseases. Skin roughening, spots, blisters, sweat blisters can all lead to more serious infections. Blisters can also pop up due to vitamin deficiencies. So be alert to such symptoms and make sure your child does not suffer from nutritional deficiencies.


At this age, your child does not understand concepts such as germs. Have they got a bad habit of biting their nails? Sucking their fingers? These habits provide ample opportunities for germs, particularly if their nails are unclean. Pro-tip: maintain their nails as short as possible and wash regularly.


Your child cannot properly brush their own long hair. It’s not easy even for mum. If you keep your little one’s hair short this will help prevent sweating and head lice. Don’t cut too short though. Your child likes to look smart/pretty. Not to mention hair acts as the first line of defense for their skulls during an impact.


You know your little one can see. However, there might be some hidden issues you might not notice. For instance, they might struggle to see things at a distance or be short-sighted. You might start noticing such examples as they grow up. If you do mum, don’t worry just be quick to get their eyes checked. Ignoring small issues could cause greater harm to your little one.

Hyper-activity, lethargic behavior can be a warning sign

Now don’t jump to conclusions. Children are inherently mischievous, full of adventure and vigor. However, if you continue noticing certain traits that don’t feel right it could be an indication of a sickness. So do not just cast a blind eye. Likewise, a child could be tired but if they show continuous unusual lethargy in their day to day routine. Don’t be stubborn. Seeking medical advice is the best option for you and your child.

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