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Today’s Lessons will Create a Better Tomorrow

Parenting guide for child development

A child’s innocence and beauty are unsurpassable. They are loved and cherished by all those around them, and their journey of development is fascinating. They start off protected and guarded by the love of their parents and close relatives but as time progresses, they begin mingling with society at varying levels. It is at this point of time that people will start observing and noticing your child and their behaviour. If your child does not have good habits, fingers will be pointed and words murmured!

 “This boy is useless!”  “What to do with this child?” “It’s their parent’s fault”

It is your responsibility to help your child grow up and behave well. Even if your child is small, it is very important for them to be polite to those they associate with. So teach your child proper social norms. These could vary based on your religion and region, but these simple lessons can help them thrive.

Say thank you, sorry, and excuse me

Your child will receive many things from those around them, and it is good to teach your children to appreciate the love and effort shown by others. Who isn’t impressed when a little one says ‘thank you’ without any prompting? In addition, teach your child the right times to say ‘sorry’ or ‘excuse me’, and to recognise what is socially acceptable and what is not. For example, teach them to say ‘sorry’ if they made a mistake, ‘excuse me’ if they need to interrupt a conversation and to knock on a door before entering a room. These are simple and easy to understand.

Respect adults

Teach your little one to show love and respect to elders by using socially acceptable terms such as akka, aiya, aunt, uncle, grandmother and grandfather. This will help your child gain greater acceptance within their society. You should also teach them to respect teachers by standing up when they enter a room, and giving a seat to an elder at home or when using public transport. Don’t forget that leading by example is the best and most effective way of teaching a child!

Being friendly

Sitting down and saying hello when a stranger comes home is not that difficult for a child to do. Many would love to see such a greeting from a child, so it is important to encourage this friendly behavior.

Speak politely

It is very important for children to speak politely. In society, we encounter many children who say disturbing words. This reflects poorly on both the child and parents. So it’s best if you teach your child to control themselves and their tongue. Don’t forget to teach them the importance of controlling their tone as well. Speaking disrespectfully or without proper understanding can also be perceived negatively in society, so be a good parent and help them understand these nuances step by step.

Avoid insults

Children should not be taught insulting words. Make it a point to educate them about the importance of not insulting others, whether they are friends, family or schoolmates. Begin teaching them from an early age that name-calling to insult others or putting people down is a bad and damaging habit.

Respecting the environment

Teach your child to respect and take care of the environment. Disrespecting our surroundings has already resulted in many negative consequences. Therefore, teach your little one to avoid any action that can harm the environment, such as disposing of garbage improperly, spitting all over or littering. Teach your children the value of natural resources such as water and the importance of conserving water.

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